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Bright Gems | |
Dropped By |
Best Farming Spot |
Bambi Location |
The best way to gather Bright Gems is by farming Search Ghosts. These can be found all throughout the many worlds, but the most ideal farming spot is in Traverse Town’s Second District.
Getting to the spot can be a little tricky and involves a certain path:
- Head through the Gizmo Shop
- Once you exit the shop, climb the nearby ladder
- Glide across the rooftops to find an exit to the Third District
- Return to the Second District via this door and you’ll find 4 Search Ghosts. Go back and forth between the Second and Third District here to continuously farm these spookers.
Here’s a series to screenshots to help you see the exact route:

Search Ghosts aren’t particularly challenging, so sweeping through them should be easy-peasy. It’s super easy to zone back and forth between districts to reset them, too.
Let’s take a quick look at Search Ghosts in detail, as well as some less-than-optimal ways to farm:
Search Ghosts

These haunted heartless aren’t as tough as you’d think. Their whole thing is that they search around them with their one good eye. Get caught in their light and get attacked.
The best way to deal with these undead enemies is to use physical attacks.
They don’t really have a lot of HP, so clearing them out won’t be too hard.
Do watch out for their magic attacks. If you’re early in your farming journey, they can deal some pretty hefty damage if you’re not careful. Stop magic helps, but really this is a case of the best defense being a strong offense.
White Mushrooms

Note: Only the White Mushrooms in Deep Jungle and End of the World can drop Bright Gems.
These red-capped fungi can also be a source of Bright Gems, though you’ll have to work a little harder (and be a little more lucky) to secure one from them.
Once you find a Mushroom gang, wait until they fall on the ground.
When you see that particular animation, cast a Cure spell on them.
If you can manage to do this three times in a row, then a Bright Gem is a 100% drop. If only the third cast is a Cure, then you’ll have a 30% chance.

It’s best to try for three Cures, but that might not happen.
Mushrooms don’t stick around forever and RNG might not be on your side.
These little dudes are good for a lot of things, but maybe Bright Gems isn’t one of the better ones.
Bambi (Agrabah)

Bambi’s whole thing is that he rewards you with various goodies depending on both where you are and how many times you fill his charge meter before his summon power runs out.
To try for Bright Gems, you have to summon him in Agrabah (anywhere there will do) and fill his meter three times. Doing this gets you a 30% chance of a Gem drop.
It’s not great, but it is a way to get Bright Gems.
Using Bright Gems

You’ll need 8 Bright Gems in order to make one of everything that requires them.
Defense Ups are super useful, but require a lot of expensive ingredients.
The Dark Ring is okay, but its usefulness is extremely limited, especially when compared to other things that can take up an accessory slot.

Both the Angel Bangle and Cosmic Arts are fantastic, though. They boost HP by large amounts and are worthy of an endgame loadout.
The Cosmic Arts in particular is great for Donald or if your Sora is more magically-inclined. You can’t go wrong with either choice though, so go get farming!
Recipe | Items Required | Description |
Defense Up |
Increases a party member’s DEF by 1. |
Dark Ring |
Reduces Dark Damage by 20% and increases DEF by 3. |
Angel Bangle |
Increases max HP by 6 and DEF by 2 |
Cosmic Arts |
Increases HP by 9, MP by 2, and AP by 2. |