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Gale | |
Dropped By |
Best Farming Location | The room right before the Final Rest save point in The End of the World |
Bambi Location | N/A |
The only two Heartless that drop Gales are Invisibles and Angel Stars. Both these enemies are exclusive to The End of the World, and the best place to farm them is in the room right before the game’s final save point.
Enter The End of the World at the Final Rest save point and go back one room. You’ll either face Neoshadows or a group of Angel Stars and Invisibles.
After you clean the house, exit out to the world map to reset.
Tip: If you have the Encounter Plus ability, you don’t have to go to the world map, you can just change areas.

You’ll fight lots of both Invisibles and Angel Stars this way, so even with a 6% drop rate you’ll get your Gales in no time.
Let’s take a look at how to exactly deal with these foes.
Angel Stars and Invisibles

For the most part, Angel Stars and Invisibles are a package deal.
Where you see one, the other isn’t going to be too far behind.
Neither are super tough, but they can provide a decent enough challenge if you’re either underleveled or unprepared.
Angel Stars tend to stay away and pelt Sora with lasers and other projectiles. They also occasionally come in for a quick hit, but that’s fairly easy to dodge.
Close the gap quickly! Using a long keyblade helps, though raw strength is more important in taking them down.
Invisibles, on the other hand, are more aggressive.
They have big cleave attacks and your typical sword swings, both of which can be dodge rolled through or jumped over.
The biggest annoyance the Invisibles bring is their Shadow Ring attack (it’s probably not called that, I just made that name up).

They cast a ring of shadow fires around Sora and after a few seconds it closes in on him, dealing large damage.
This can be avoided by jumping or dodge rolling right at the last second.
It takes a few goes to learn the timing, but it’s not that hard and before you know it you’ll be rolling out of every ring.
Using Gales

You’ll only need 4 Gales to make one of everything that requires them via synthesis.
However, two of those three items are consumables, so you may want to earn some more in order to bolster your supply.
Recipe | Items Required | Description |
Megalixir |
Fully restores party’s HP and MP. |
Dark Matter |
Used in Synthesis |
Ribbon |
Increases all elemental resistance by 20% as well as increasing Defense by 3. |