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Lucid Shard | |
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Best Farming Spot |
The best enemy to farm for Lucid Shards is the common Shadow. You’ll see these guys everywhere, and the odds are good that by the time you need Lucid Shards, you’ll already have a bunch of them.
When you do need to farm them, the best spot is the Bizarre Room in Wonderland.
This is where you’ll find the Gigas Shadow heartless, who always appears after three waves of normal Shadows.
And the Gigas Shadow appears fairly frequently and there’s a save point in the adjoining Queen’s Castle area so you can easily return to the Gummi Ship to reset the encounter rate.
Despite having a low drop rate, you’ll be defeating so many Shadows that you’ll be swimming in Shards in only a few runs.

You know these guys.
They’re the poster child for Heartless everywhere, and I bet they’re what most people think of when they hear the term.
They’re the first enemy you fight and the most common up until Hollow Bastion (after which they get replaced).
There’s not a lot to say about these little fellas. They have minimal HP and attack and really the only threat they can provide is when they’re in a large group and (try) to gang up on you.

Keyblades, Magic, summons–anything works on these guys.
The best way to get the Shadow’s only drop, the Lucid Shard, is to find a place where a lot of Shadows appear at once. Wonderland is the best option but most early worlds can work great. Shadows shouldn’t ever really present a challenge either.
Gigas Shadows

These special Heartless appear in the Bizarre Room after a few waves of Shadows.
The Gigas Shadows also have a chance to drop Lucid Shards, but they’re much more particular about their drops.
If a Gigas Shadow hits Sora, no matter the amount of damage, they’ll disappear.
Seven appear at one time and their drop rate of Lucid Shards depends on how many you can defeat. You’ll have to cap at least 5 of them to get a 100% Lucid Shard drop, anything less and you’ll only have between 20% and 50%.
The Gigas Shadows aren’t the best way to farm for Shards. But the waves of Shadows that prelude them are, so consider the Gigases as a nice bonus chance.
White Mushrooms

The slowest way to farm for Lucid Shards is by utilizing the White Mushroom.
The only White Mushrooms that can drop Lucid Shards are the ones in the Treasure Room of Agrabah’s Cave of Wonders. That’s because those are the only Mush that ask for the Gravity spell.
When you see one of them do a floating animation, hit them with the Gravity.
The tricky thing is that if you want a Lucid Shard, you’ll have to do this as the third spell only. Cure them, Blizzard them–whatever, but make sure that third spell is Gravity.
This can take a while, especially if they don’t want to cooperate with their animations.
That’s why White Mushrooms aren’t really the best choice for Shards. It’s a sure thing, sure, but it takes so long…
Using Lucid Shards

You’ll need 19 Lucid Shards to make one of everything that requires them.
Given how (relatively) easy it is to farm them, this is a number you should easily meet. The shards are used to make a variety of items, from beginner stuff like the Cottage to advanced materials like the Dark Matter.
Lucid Shards are a surprisingly fundamental material for crafting, so hold on to them when you get them!
Recipe | Items Required | Description |
Cottage |
Fully restores party’s HP and MP (only usable from Menu) |
Power Chain |
Increases STR by 1 |
Gaia Bangle |
Increases HP by 9 and DEF by 3 |
Defense Up |
Increases a party member’s DEF by 1. |
Dark Matter |
Used in Synthesis |