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Power Gem | |
Dropped By |
Best Farming Spot |
Bambi Drop Location |
The best place to farm Power Gems is on the Pirate Ship in Neverland. Power Gems are dropped by the Pirate-themed Heartless that live on that ship, and they appear all over.
So farming is as easy as running from the Hold, through the Cabin, out to the deck and then turning around and doing it again.
The amount of Pirates, Air Pirates, and Battleships you’ll face just running around on the Pirate Ship helps alleviate the low drop rate and you’ll get your Gems in no time.

Let’s take a look at these yar-har-heartless (as well as some other, less-optimal ways to farm Power Gems).

These Pirates have a very erratic, hopping movement that can be sometimes hard to keep track of.
They don’t ever appear alone, either, so you’ll be surrounded by a flurry of jumping swords.
Using Sora’s Dodge Roll ability to Dark Souls your way out of the center of the group helps and once you’re on the outside, you can easily launch a counterattack.
Pirates don’t have a lot of HP, but their numbers and speed make up for that and they can prove to be annoying if you don’t cull them quickly.
Air Pirates

These soaring scoundrels behave like a less-aggressive Wyvern.
They stay in the air (that’s probably where they got their name from) and strike fairly quickly. Thunder and Fire magic work well, but the best strat is to just meet them on their terms.
Since you’ll probably be fighting these guys in Neverland (they don’t appear anywhere else), you can just fly up to them and deliver a KO with your keyblade.
Air Pirates aren’t too scary, just keep your wits about you.

This bizarre Heartless/airship hybrid is only found on the Deck of the Pirate Ship.
They stay high in the air and out over the open water, so you’ll have to fly to really square off properly against them.
You can brute your way through and beat these guys via main strength, depleting their core HP, and you’ll have a typical 8% chance of a Power Gem drop… but if you take the time to really dismantle them, that goes up to 16%.
Strike their flanks to get rid of their cannons, then attack the top to destroy their riggings.
Their accessories don’t have too many hit points, so you should be able to clear them off pretty efficiently.
AOE spells like Thunder work too. But too much magical power and you might outright destroy them, losing that extra percentage drop chance.
White Mushrooms

Only certain world-specific White Mushrooms can drop Power Gems: the ones in either Atlantica or at the End of the World.
In Atlantica, they can be found in the Below Decks part of the Sunken Ship and in the room right before the Final Rest save point in the End of the World.
To get a chance at a Power Gem, you’ll have to cast Stop on them three times in a row, which means waiting for them to do the correct animation three times.
The correct animation is when they do a freeze frame–when they stop (get it?).
If you can wait it out and get three Stop spells, you have a whopping 10% chance at a Power Gem.
Honestly, this is much too much a hassle for this item.
Add to it that you’ll either have to deal with the swimming controls in Atlantica or wait until the very end of the game and it becomes pretty clear that White Mushrooms are probably the worst way to farm Power Gems.
Bambi (Halloween Town)

The second worst way to farm Power Gems is by using Bambi.
When you summon the Prince in Halloween Town, you have a shot of him giving you a Gem if you can fill his meter three times over. It’s a 30% chance, so it’s not too bad.
But considering the effort required it’s still pretty slow.
If you’re in Halloween Town to farm for another item, maybe throwing out Bambs to try for some Power Gems on the side isn’t too bad an idea, but using him as your primary source probably is.
Using Power Gems

You’ll need 13 Gems to make one of everything that requires them.
This really isn’t too tall an order, considering how prevalent Pirate heartless are in their homeworld.
Of the crafted creations, the stand-out star is the Titan Chain, which gives the largest single boost to Strength.
Of course, if you’ve got infinite time and patience, you could also craft lots of Power Up items and raise that strength stat even higher. But we only have one go-round in this world and maybe grinding that many crafting mats in a video game isn’t the best way to spend it.
Recipe | Items Required | Description |
Three Stars |
Reduces Ice, Fire, and Lighting damage by 20%. Increases DEF by 3. |
Power Up |
Increases a party member’s STR by 1 |
Titan Chain |
Increases STR by 4 and DEF by 3 |