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Spirit Gem | |
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Bambi Location |
The best way to get Spirit Gems fast is by visiting Wonderland and farming Air Soldiers. These flying foes appear both in the Bizarre Room and the Lotus Forest, and the most efficient way to harvest them is to go back and forth between the two areas.
In between the Lotus Forest and the Bizarre Room is the Queen’s Castle, which has a save point for healing.
Also, going between rooms like this makes the enemies respawn in the previous area, so you don’t have to worry about having nothing to fight or equipping Encounter Plus.

It’s true that Air Soldiers have a low drop rate. But this is absolutely solved by the quantity of them you’ll be fighting. Equipping a few Lucky Strike abilities helps too (having all three members with LS boost the 4% to a healthy 12%).
Air Soldiers

For being as common as they are, Air Soldiers can be pretty tricky to take down.
As is typical of flying enemies, they love to vulture around Sora and strike quickly.
Expect lots of swooping attacks that can easily pinball you into other swooping attacks–or any of the other, ground-based Heartless Air Soldiers usually appear with.
I find it’s best to be aggressive with Thunder magic.
This also can get rid of any of the riff raff that surrounds them. Putting up an Aero shield helps too. Air-based Keyblade abilities such as Combo Plus and Hurricane Blast make it easier to meet them on their turf as well.
After a few run-ins with these fellas you’ll have a pattern down-pat. Just stay on your toes and you’ll be fine.
White Mushrooms

Another way to try for Spirit Gems is to utilize the White Mushrooms.
The only Mushrooms that can drop the Gems are the ones in Halloween Town’s Graveyard area.
To get the 10% chance of a Gem, you’ll have to cast Aero on them three times in a row. Watch and wait until they start spinning around and then apply the shield. You have to be close to them in order for their name to appear on the target list in the command list.
As a bonus though, even if you don’t get a Spirit Gem, you’ll always get a Spirit Shard, so… that’s something, at least.
Bambi (Neverland)

The Forest Prince can help you procure a Spirit Gem if you summon him in Neverland and fill his charge meter up three times.
Where this is done is up to you–whichever area you can defeat the most Heartless in.
Filling up Bambi three times gets you a 30% chance at a Gem, which probably isn’t the best set of odds considering the effort required. On the plus side, if you get three bars without a Gem, at least you’ll always get an Elixir!
Try to stay positive, okay?
Using Spirit Gems

You need 7 Spirit Gems to make one of everything that requires them.
This isn’t too bad an amount, all things considered. You get some pretty good stuff from it, too! All in all, the Spirit Grind is a necessary evil that will reward you with a little extra power.
Recipe | Items Required | Description |
Master Earring |
Increases AP by 4 and DEF by 2 |
Golem Chain |
Increases strength by 3 and defense by 1 |
Power Up |
Increases a party member’s STR by 1 |