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Spirit Shards | |
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Best Farming Spot |
Bambi Location |
The best way to farm for Spirit Shards is to go to Agrabah and do laps around the place, defeating all the Soldiers and Large Bodies you come across.
They appear in every area of Agrabah’s city section, so all you have to do is kill indiscriminately.

Equipping Encounter Plus is handy, but with how many different areas there are and how often both Soldiers and Large Bodies spawn, it’s not required.
Lucky Strikes are the same deal–not needed, but always helpful.

One of the bread-and-butter Heartless in the many worlds, Soldiers are more or less a filler enemy.
Easily dispatched with a swing or a spell, there’s not much to worry about with these guys.
They do tend to appear in groups, but with their tender bodies being so easy to knock backwards (or outright destroy), even a swarm of them can’t really stand up to a big Keyblade using the Vortex ability.
Large Bodies

Where there’s a Soldier, there’s probably a Large Body following right behind.
Can you guess why these fellas are named Large Body? No? W-well, it’s because they have… large bodies.
Their rotund nature means that any attacks from the front will be deflected.
This can be really annoying in the thick of battle, as it’s easy to lose track of where you’re attacking and suddenly be caught in a bounce-back animation.
Stay alert and focus on getting behind the Large Body. Any strike to its backside will deal normal damage, so that’s where you want to be.
Of course, magic also works, and on both sides! Any forward-blasting spell, such as Fire or Blizzard works wonders and maybe should be used in place of trying to physically fight these fellas.
White Mushrooms

If you’re looking for a much slower, but more predictable, way to get Spirit Shards, then look no further than your friendly White Mushroom.
Only the mush in Halloween Town can drop Spirit Shards, so head on over.
When a Mushroom starts spinning around, it’s time to cast Aero on it. Doing this as the third correct spell–and only the third, the first two must be different–will get you a Spirit Shard 100% of the time.
Is this effective? Yes.
Is it efficient? Not really.
Getting the Mushrooms to appear can be a chore of zoning in and out, and after you’re done with them you have to leave the world entirely to have a chance to spawn them again.
However, if you’re in the area and spot them and need a quick Spirit Shard, then it’s go time.
Bambi (Neverland)

Yes, even a lowly fawn can provide you with a Spirit Shard, should you please him.
And what does the Prince of the Forest desire? Bloodshed!
But Bambi only drops Spirit Shards in Neverland. So head on over there, summon him up and start the slaughter.
If you can fill his charge bar three times before he vanishes then you’ll have a 60% chance at a Spirit Shard.
If you’re in Neverland for some other reason, then summoning Bambi for a chance at a Shard is a good way to earn a few extra, but I wouldn’t suggest it as your primary method. It’s very time-consuming and ultimately not very efficient.
Using Spirit Shards

You’ll need 17 Spirit Shards to make one of everything that requires them. The odds are actually pretty good that by the time you get to the point where you need to farm them, you’ll have a large portion of what you need anyway just from your natural progression.
Recipe | Items Required | Description |
Mega-Potion |
Restores 30 HP to all party members |
Power Up |
Increases a party member’s STR by 1 |
Energy Bangle |
Increases max HP by 3 and DEF by 1 |
Master Earring |
Increases AP by 4 and DEF by 2 |