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Stormy Stones | |
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The only way to get Stormy Stones is to find and defeat Neoshadows.
These appear only in the area just before the final save point in The End of The World. This area is called ‘Linked Worlds’.
Neoshadows will only appear by themselves, so if you enter the area and any other Heartless are there, exit and try again.
They’re finicky about spawning, so be prepared to take some time getting them to show up.
To have a chance at a Stormy Stone, you’ll have to defeat all 7 Neoshadows that appear. There’s no real time limit, but if you’re not quick the last Neoshadow can summon more, making the fight drag on.
Defeating all 7 gets you a 35% chance at a Stormy Stone, so it’s not great but not awful either.

These tall bois are fresh faces introduced in the Final Mix version of Kingdom Hearts (which is the most widely available version).
They start out as seven holes in the ground and then come on up to fight.
When all seven Neoshadows are around, they’ll stick to the air and do diving spin attacks.
At this phase, Stop and Aero spells are your best friends.
The goal is to take out at least three as fast as you can. Liberal use of Dodge Roll also really helps. Abuse those I-frames!
At four Neoshadows, they’ll start creating portals and doing diving slam attacks through them. In this phase they only have a few seconds where you can deal damage and it’s right when they hit the ground. It takes a little time to learn the exact moment and yes, it is a pain in the butt.

When you’re down to two Neoshadows, they’ll start to tag-team Sora.
One will dip into a portal and come up to try and grab his feet, pinning him so the other can cause hurt. The best strat here is to stay in the air as much as possible.
Channel your inner Tigger and bounce around a lot, and use Glide between hops to close the gap between you and the other Neoshadow not in a portal.
Finally, when only one Neoshadow remains, it will start summoning six other Neoshadows.
It is vulnerable to damage at this time, so it’s a good chance to end the fight.
If you don’t, then it’s time to repeat everything we just talked about.
If you’re powerful enough, you can circumvent most of these phases just by strong-arming it.
Trinity Limit is a great way to start (and maybe end) the fight.
Big beefy Keyblades like Metal Chocobo help too.
Ultimately, fighting Neoshadows is a test of skill. The Stormy Stones they drop are ingredients for true end-game gear and you’re pretty much at the end of the game when you’re fighting them.
It may take practice, but use that time to really hone how you like to play and bolster your strengths to become a true Keyblade master.
Using Stormy Stones

You’ll need 4 Stormy Stones to make both items that require them.
This probably means getting real cozy with finding and fighting Neoshadows.
The rewards though?
*Chef’s kiss*, that’s how good.
Recipe | Items Required | Description |
EXP Bracelet |
Increases experience gained by 30%. |
Ultima Weapon |
Increases STR by 14 and MP by 2. |