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Thunder Gems | |
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Best Farming Spot |
Bambi Location |
The best way to farm for Thunder Gems is to head to Atlantica and fight Aquatanks and Screwdivers. They appear all over the world, but the prime location for farming them is the big area right outside of Triton’s Throne.

You can equip Encounter Plus and clear out the zone, heal at the Throne, and repeat the route. This is the most efficient way of getting your Thunder Gems.
It’s also helpful to remove the Mermaid Kick ability when farming in Atlantica, as you’ll be using the square button to change elevation a lot and it’s frustrating to accidentally trigger the kick.

These big bois are rarely seen without some Screwdivers attached to them.
The Aquatank itself is a lot quicker than you’d imagine and it likes to cast, of all things, Thunder spells.
They become invulnerable during their casting animation, so the quicker you can attack, the better.
Blasting it as point-blank as you can with a Fire spell is a great way to start your encounter, as it’ll stun the beast just long enough for you to get in there and finish it with the Keyblade.
Be wary of the attached Screwdrivers, though, as they can (and will) detach and begin their own assault.
Defeating the Aquatank will cause any Screwdivers attached to it to become stunned, however. This leads to a quick clean-up and a fine reward for being aggressive.

Don’t worry–it isn’t just you that only now realized that it’s Screwdiver and not Screwdriver.
Named for both what they are and to accommodate a pun, these spear-wielding aquarians love to zip around at high speed and strike just as fast.
Out of all the Heartless unique to Atlantica, Screwdivers are easily the most annoying.
There will be many times when you’ll whiff a swing by only a few inches and then repeat this over and over as the Screw slowly moves backwards.
Ranged attacks like Strike Raid or a Fire spell are good options to take them out fast.
Alternatively, you could just learn how to swim around to flank them, though this takes a bit of practice.
Thankfully, they don’t have a lot of HP or defense. They rely on their speed and evasion to get by. So when you strike it’s usually that the first blow is the killing one.
White Mushrooms

To get a Thunder Gem from a White Mushroom, you’ll have to cast Thunder on it three times in a row.
The time to cast Thunder is when you see the Mush floating in a yellow light.
When you zap a mushroom three times in a row, you have a 10% chance of a Thunder Gem dropping.
It’s not great, as far as efficiency goes. But if you’re out farming for Mystery Goo, Thunder Gems are a nice little bonus, right?
The best place to farm White Mushrooms for Thunder Gems is in the Deep Jungle, as they can spawn right outside the Tent save point, making it easy to leave and reenter the world.
Bambi (Deep Jungle)

If you still find yourself in the Deep Jungle, then summoning Bambi can get you some Thunder Gems as well–if you’re lucky.
Bringing out Bambi and filling his bar three times gets you a 30% chance at a Thunder Gem.
Not fantastic odds, but it is something and works as a nice bonus if you’re already here for something else.
The best place to grind for Bambi is in the area after the clearing, where you fought Clayton and the Giant Lizard boss. Lots of heartless spawn here in a few waves, so there’s plenty of fodder for the forest prince.
Using Thunder Gems

You’ll need 15 Thunder Gems to make one of everything that requires them.
These recipes range from the mundanity of an AP Up to the stellar Ultima Weapon–something you wouldn’t expect requiring such a boring item.
Recipe | Items Required | Description |
AP Up |
Increases a party member’s AP by 1. |
Rune Amulet |
Increases MP and Defense by 1 as well as boosts Magic and Summoning Power |
Ribbon |
Increases all elemental resistance by 20% as well as increasing Defense by 3. |
Ultima Weapon |
Increases STR by 14 and MP by 2. |