Donald’s Abilities revolve around magic, give him to power to cast a variety of spells to battle his enemies. His Abilities are divided into two groups: Action Abilities, and Support Abilities. Action Abilities consists of Donald’s spells and Limit Commands. Support Abilities function much like they do with Sora, giving Donald an extra boost of defense in a pinch or increasing the power of some of his magic spells. In addition to Sora’s Support Abilities, Donald has several that Sora can’t learn, as they only apply to allies within your party and not to Sora directly. Unlike Sora, Donald does not gain new Abilities through leveling up, but rather he acquires all of his Abilities through clearing certain events in the game.
Action Abilities
Action Abilities are strictly acquired through clearing certain parts of the game, usually from defeating powerful Bosses or making it through difficult battles against a large amount of enemies.
Donald Fire
AP Cost: 2
Learned: Defeat the Possessor during the first visit to Beast’s Castle
Description: Use Fire/Fira/Firaga magic
Donald Blizzard
AP Cost: 2
Learned: Clear the Stone Guardian trap during the first visit to Agrabah
Description: Use Blizzard/Blizzara/Blizzaga magic
Donald Thunder
AP Cost: 2
Learned: Default
Description: Use Thunder/Thundara/Thundaga magic
Donald Cure
AP Cost: 3
Learned: Default
Description: Use Cure/Cura/Curaga magic
AP Cost: 3
Learned: Free the Cornerstone of Light in Timeless River
Description: Enable “Comet” Limit Command
Flare Force
AP Cost: 2
Learned: Defeat the Grim Reaper for the second time during the second visit to Port Royal
Description: Enable “Duck Flare” Limit Command
Support Abilities
Support Abilities are also obtained through completing certain parts of the story, such as bosses and difficult battles.
AP Cost: 3
Learned: Save the medallion during the first visit to Port Royal
Description: Draw in dropped Orbs from further away
AP Cost: 4
Learned: Defeat the Experiment during the second visit to Halloween Town
Description: Increase Orb and Munny drop rate x1.5
Lucky Lucky
AP Cost: 5
Learned: Defeat the Heartless at the Old Mansion during the third visit to Twilight Town
Description: Increase Item drop rate x1.3
Fire Boost
AP Cost: 3
Learned: Defeat Scar during the first visit to Pride Lands
Description: Fire magic damage increased x1.2
Blizzard Boost
AP Cost: 4
Learned: Defeat Demyx during the fourth visit to Hollow Bastion
Description: Blizzard magic damage increased x1.2
Thunder Boost
AP Cost: 5
Learned: Freeze the computers during the first visit to Space Paranoids
Description: Thunder magic damage increased x1.2
MP Rage
AP Cost: 3
Learned: Defeat Demyx during the first visit to Olympus Coliseum
Description: MP is restored when damage is taken
MP Hastera
AP Cost: 4
Learned: Defend the Solar Sailor during the second visit to Space Paranoids
Description: MP Charge gauge refills faster x1.5
Auto Limit
AP Cost: 1
Learned: Free the Cornerstone of Light in Timeless River
Description: Set character’s Limit Commands on the Triangle Button when available
Hyper Healing
AP Cost: 3
Learned: Defeat the Prison Keeper during the first visit to Halloween Town
Description: Automatically revive fallen party member and x2 restored HP
Auto Healing
AP Cost: 3
Learned: Beat Xaldin during the second visit to Beast’s Castle
Description: Restore 1HP each second when in reserve