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Dense Gems | |
Dropped By |
Best Farming Spot |
Dense Gems are only dropped by Samurai Nobodies. The best place to farm Samurai is in the Basement Hall of Twilight Town’s Mansion.

Here’s the best farming route:
Enter Twilight Town at the Computer Room save point and then head into the adjoining Basement Hall. Inside you’ll fight four Samurai. Once you’ve defeated them, simply return to the save point to reset everything.
This is one of the best, if not the best, way to farm for Dense Gems.

Samurai are capable of dealing large amounts of damage in short notice.
They’re quick and make big swings–however, they’re easy to read. As long as you pay attention, you’ll be able to either jump away or counterattack.
Sora’s Guard ability is useful, though it requires some pretty precise timing.
Honestly, your best bet is to stay in the air and attack from above. Use of magic, especially Thunder, is great too.
The Reflect spell is also highly effective. It can really save your life if you’re surrounded, which is a scenario that’ll probably happen more often than not.

The biggest thing to be aware of with Samurai is their Reaction Command: Duel Stance.
Once you enter a Duel Stance, Sora will raise his keyblade and channel his inner Kurosawa. The Command Menu will blank out and after a few seconds, one of them will become ‘The End’.
If you can trigger The End within a second, Sora will strike first and deal tremendous damage–usually enough to defeat the Samurai.
If you’re too late, the Samurai strikes and Sora will take that large amount of hurt instead.
Duel Stance is a real risk-reward thing.
If you’re not super confident in your reactionary skills, maybe pass it up. However…if you’ve got the skills, it’s easy to pay these bills.

Using Dense Gems

You’ll need 31 Dense Gems to both make one of everything that requires them, as well as make all the Mythril that you’ll need to 100% the Moogle shop.
That seems like a daunting number, but once you get good at stomping Samurai then each run will only take you a few moments. You’ll get it in no time.
Also, Save the Queen and Save the Queen+ are Donald’s best weapons. They’re totally worth the effort. Go, you!
Recipe | Items Required | Description |
Mythril Gem |
Item Used in item synthesis. |
Mythril Crystal |
Item Used in item synthesis. |
Save the Queen |
Donald Weapon STR +5 MAG +6 Ability: Hyper Healing |
Save the Queen+ |
Donald Weapon STR +5 MAG +6 Ability: MP Hastega Ability: MP Rage |