A Foreboding Castle
The castle our heroes journey to is a bit scary looking, but something about it seems familiar. Turns out, it’s the home of the Beast, who helped the gang out during their first adventure. But first things first: a Heartless is spotted sneaking its way into the “Parlor”, so follow it inside.
Event: Survive the Swarm of Shadows
When the Beast shows up and lays down the law, he seems a bit distracted by the mysterious rose on the table. Something’s definitely not right, so it’s time to explore the castle for more clues. Head out of the “Parlor” and climb the staircase off to the right to enter the “East Wing”. Follow the hall all the way down, taking out any Heartless that may appear, until you reach the door at the end of the hall. Approach it to trigger a cutscene with Belle.
Search and Rescue
Belle explains that the Beast hasn’t really been himself lately and that he’s placed all of the castle’s inhabitants in the “Dungeon”. It’ll take some doing to get there, seeing as it’s on the opposite end of the castle, but if you head back to the “Entrance Hall” and climb the staircase up to the left, you’ll enter the “West Hall”. The door to the “Undercroft” is toward the end of the hall, but there’s a very large wardrobe blocking the entrance.
Event: Don’t Wake the Wardrobe!
After clearing the Wardrobe challenge, a brief cutscene plays. Following that, head into the “Undercroft” through the door. A rather mischievous Heartless is waiting for you when you arrive.
Boss: Thresholder & PossessorHP: 137 (Thresholder), 98 (Possessor)
Once they’ve been defeated, approach the Thresholer and start attacking. The Thresholder will retaliate of course, and will also summon some Hook Bat Heartless to attack you as well. Concentrate on the Thresholder until its HP reaches 0, then follow up with the Release Reaction Command. This will reveal the true adversary, the Possessor! The Possessor is a small gaseous Heartless that will float around the room. It will not attack you, so you can just power on through with combos of your own. Deal as much damage as you can to the Possessor before it returns to the door to revive the Thresholder. If this happens, you’ll have to take out the Thresholder again as you did before. This time however, the Thresholder has the power to use dark energy projectiles in addition to its claw attacks. This is a good opportunity to enter Valor Form, as the increased speed and power will allow you to make quick work of the Thresholder. Use the Release Reaction Command again to reveal the Possessor, then follow up with more combos. This second assault on the Possessor should be enough to defeat it for good. Victory against Thresholder & Possessor earns you the Upper Slash Ability for Sora, the Donald Fire Ability for Donald, and an HP +4 Get Bonus for Goofy. |
Confronting the Beast
After defeating the Thresholder and Possessor, you can access the “Dungeon”, where you’ll encounter the rest of the castle’s inhabitants. Now it’s time to find the Beast and get the whole story behind his recent strange behavior. Head back into the “Undercroft” and jump up to the back balcony. Cogsworth will move the armored knights that block the door, revealing a hidden door to the “Secret Passage”. Head inside and you’ll have to complete a small challenge in order to press onward to the “West Hall”.
Event: Light the LanternsNote: Don’t Let Cogsworth’s Grip Slip!
With the door open, head into the “West Hall” and go straight across and up the stairs to the “West Wing”. Defeat any Heartless that show up as you make your way down the hall to the “Beast’s Room” at the very end.
Boss: BeastHP: 156 STR: 15 DEF: 8
Victory against Beast earns you an extra Armor Slot Get Bonus for Sora, an HP +4 Get Bonus for Donald, and the Defender Ability for Goofy. |
The Search for Belle
With the Beast’s senses restored, you can now add him to your Party. Make your way all the way back to the “East Wing” and enter “Belle’s Room”. The Wardrobe is inside, and she says that Belle went off looking for Xaldin. Head back down to the “Entrance Hall” for a brief cutscene. Turns out, Belle is in the “Ballroom”, so head in there to find her.
Boss: Shadow StalkerHP: 176 STR: 15 DEF: 8
Attack the Shadow Stalker directly as it moves from item to item, dealing as much damage as you can before it possesses something else in the room. If the Shadow Stalker ever possesses the chandelier or a pillar along the side, avoid taking damage from the attacks that ensue, then make your way to the possessed object and deplete its HP. Follow up with the Release Reaction Command to force the Shadow Stalker back out into the open, where you can unleash more damage. If it ever sinks into the floor, keep moving to avoid the small dark energy orbs that come out of the floor. When the floor beneath Sora glows, the Shadow stalker is about to come back up, so jump to avoid getting hit. Repeat this pattern until the Shadow Stalker’s HP reaches 0. It’s best not to use Valor Form for this fight, but instead, rely on Beast’s Twin Howl Limit Command to deal impressive damage. The real fight has yet to come! |
Boss: Dark ThornHP: 390 STR: 15 DEF: 8
The Dark Thorn starts off the battle in an invisible state, but you can still follow his movements with the Lock On feature. Now is a good time to use Valor Form to really pound the Dark Thorn senseless. Watch for instances in which you can use the Step Vault Reaction Command to jump up to the chandelier. Follow up with the Catch Reaction Command to grab hold and drop the chandelier, then execute the Pendulum Round Reaction Command to whirl the chandelier around and bash the Dark Thorn back. This series of Reaction Commands will not only deal some pretty good damage, but they will also make the Dark Thorn visible again. If at any point, the Dark Thorn launches Sora across the room, be ready to trigger the Slingshot Reaction Command when prompted. This will allow you to bounce back by swinging around a pillar and knock the Dark Thorn back. When Valor Form wears off (and it will do so well before the battle is over), use the Beast’s Twin Howl to deal more significant damage, and as always, keep moving to avoid the Dark Thorn’s more ferocious attacks. Victory against the Dark Thorn earns you an HP +5 Get Bonus and the Retaliating Slash Ability for Sora, an HP +4 Get Bonus for Donald, an extra Item Slot Get Bonus for Goofy, and an HP +35 Get Bonus for Beast. |
After the dust settles, the Beast and Belle are reunited. Sora obtains the Cure Element, allowing him to now perform Cure Magic. The Keyhole for the next world is now unlocked, so it’s time to move on.