Beyond the Door
After entering Kingdom Hearts, the final battle sequence begins. The first encounter with Xemnas is more of an event than a battle, so be ready for anything!
Boss: XemnasHP: 1000 STR: 45 DEF: 26
Enter the next area and use the Excablade Reaction Command to jump up to the building fragments. Use the series of Sky Scraper Reaction Commands to break through the remaining buildings and reach the upper balconies of the tower. The two cylinders are actually enormous cannons. To destroy them, you’ll need to attack the enemies that appear and knock them into the cylinder. The cylinders’ remaining health can be monitored using the gauges at the top of the screen. Watch for the prompt to use the Stunt Dodge Reaction Command. You have to use this Reaction Command to avoid being caught in the blast path when a cylinder erupts. Repeat this pattern until both cylinders are destroyed, then use the final Stunt Dodge Reaction Command to jump up to the next area of the tower. The final stretch of this battle is the fight against the Energy Core. Use standard combos to damage it and watch out for the falling debris as you fight. After taking some damage, the Energy Core will raise a shield and a swarm of Nobodies will appear. You need to defeat all of the Nobodies in order to drop the shield and continue dealing damage to the Energy Core. |
Boss: Xemnas (Armor)HP: 1000 STR: 45 DEF: 26
A Moment’s Reprieve
After defeating Xemnas atop the tower, the gang celebrates their overwhelming victory. After a rather lengthy cutscene, Namine opens a portal out of The World That Never Was. Kairi, Mickey, Donald, and Goofy make it through, but as Sora and Riku leave to join them, Xemnas returns to storm the castle. The portal disappears, leaving Sora and Riku to fight off Xemnas once and for all!
Boss: Xemnas (Dragon)HP: 1200 STR: 45 DEF: 26
Boss: Xemnas (Armor)HP: 1500 STR: 45 DEF: 26
Xemnas will knock Sora and Riku back into the vast space surrounding the Dragon. Glide back toward the throne using the Square Button. Approach nearby building fragments and initiate the Riding Shot Reaction Command followed by the Meteor Rain Reaction Command to bash the shield open. Use the Circle Button in the air to perform an Aerial Dodge and dodge the ensuing lasers. Return to Xemnas’s throne to land a few more hits before he knocks you back out into space to repeat the pattern all over again. Victory against Xemnas earns you an MP +10 Get Bonus for Sora. |
The World of Nothingness
Boss: XemnasHP: 1500 STR: 45 DEF: 26
Right when the battle starts, Sora and Riku are dragged into a series of dark energy waves. You can avoid these by rapidly using the Reversal Reaction Command. When the assault is over, Xemnas will warp around the room firing off dark energy waves that can also be dodged with the Reversal Reaction Command. Use this to avoid damage and get close to him to land a combo or two before he moves again. Xemnas will almost always have a clone of himself out in the field during the battle. The Reversal Reaction Commands will usually lead you right next to the real Xemnas as they move you out of harm’s way. Use this to locate the real thing and deal damage. Riku’s Limit Command is very good for dealing lots of damage to Xemnas while granting temporary immunity to his attacks. The Dark Shield and Dark Aura Abilities are also useful for blocking attacks and dealing damage when the opportunities present themselves. Eventually, Xemnas will capture Sora in a dark hold. Control shifts to Riku as you try to rescue Sora from Xemnas’s clutches. Use the Dark Aura Ability to fend off Xemnas’s clones as you approach the real thing and use the Rescue Reaction Command to knock Xemnas off and regain control of Sora. Xemnas will also fight with laser attacks from time to time, more so when the battle gets down toward the end. Use a Reflega spell to avoid being hit by the lasers. As you reach the end of the battle, Xemnas’s final assault is the most grueling test of reflexes in the entire Kingdom Hearts franchise! As Xemnas fills the room with lasers, be ready to rapidly alternate between the X Button and the Triangle Button for a good length of time. Even the slightest hesitation can result in instant defeat, so keep your stamina high for this button-mashing frenzy! If you can make it through this onslaught, attack the stunned Xemnas with one last combo finisher to end the battle for good! |
With Xemnas truly defeated, there’s nothing left to do but enjoy the ending cutscenes and final credits. Congratulations!!! You have successfully completed Kingdom Hearts II!