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Lightning Gems
Dropped By:
  • Gold Beats (6%)
  • Sea Sprite (yellow) (6%)
  • Tireblade (4%)
Also Obtained By:
  • Breaking blue crates with lightning symbols in Monstropolis
Best Farming Spot:
  • Toy Box – Andy’s House
  • The Caribbean – Port Royal/Docks
  • Battlegate 12 (San Fransokyo)

Lightning Gems, while rare, can be farmed relatively quickly because they are dropped by some of the weakest enemies in the game.

They can be farmed from enemies in two worlds: in the Toy Box from Gold Beats, and in the Caribbean from Sea Sprites (yellow).

Toy Box Farming Route

Enter from the Andy’s House save point and exit out of the window.

Sora reaches the Andy’s House save point / Kingdom Hearts 3
Sora reaches the Andy’s House save point

As soon as you get to the roof, you’ll have to fight a bunch of Heartless, including a Gold Beat.

Sora up against a Gold Beat / Kingdom Hearts 3
Sora up against a Gold Beat

These pointy hat mages float around and conjure a sigil of sorts around them to attack with thunder spells.

Gold Beats are weak against wind magic. Just spam your aeros or aerogas if you’re high leveled and they will be stunned and open for close range attacks.

Lightning Gem obtained / Kingdom Hearts 3
Lightning Gem obtained

You can find more Gold Beats on the road connecting Andy’s house and Galaxy Toys. Or you can leave the world and re-enter at the same save spot to have the same one to respawn repeatedly.

The Caribbean Farming Route

Land at the Docks save point in Port Royal and dive into the sea.

Sora lands at the Docks save point in Port Royal / Kingdom Hearts 3
Sora lands at the Docks save point in Port Royal

Swim towards the depths with the jellyfish swarms and you will come across multiple groups of Sea Sprites along the way. These large, fish-like Heartless glow in different colors which change their elemental affinity.

Keep a lookout for the ones glowing yellow.

Sora comes across yellow Sea Sprites / Kingdom Hearts 3
Sora comes across yellow Sea Sprites

Once you spot them, just blast your fire spells and they will go down easily.

Both the Gold Beats and Sea Sprites have a 6% drop rate for Lightning Gems. Both are equally viable farming options and your choice depends entirely on whichever enemy you find easier to take down.

Lightning Gem obtained / Kingdom Hearts 3
Lightning Gem obtained

You can also quickly warp in and out of the world’s save point to make them repawn.

Battlegate 12

If you’re looking for a good Lightning Gem farming spot in the end-game, then head for Battlegate 12 located in San Fransokyo.

Land at the North District save point (day or night).

Sora arrives in the North District / Kingdom Hearts 3
Sora arrives in the North District

Then look for a large, dark circular building slightly to the left of the save point you just warped in from.

Climb to the very top of this building and reach the helipad, surrounded by giant floating fans.

Sora ascends the the dark circular building / Kingdom Hearts 3
Sora ascends the the dark circular building

Here, you’ll find the blue round crystal entrance to Battlegate 12.

Sora reaches Battlegate 12 / Kingdom Hearts 3
Sora reaches Battlegate 12

Using Lightning Gems

Lightning Gems are required for six recipes, and you must have at least 14 gems in total to synthesize at least one copy of each recipe.

Recipes that require Lightning Gems
Recipe Materials Required
  • 2 Mythril Crystals
  • 1 Electrum
  • 2 Lightning Gems
  • 2 Pulsing Gems
  • 1 Hungry Stone
Thundaga Trinket
  • 3 Mythril Gems
  • 2 Lightning Gems
  • 5 Lightning Stones
Thundaza Trinket
  • 3 Mythril Crystals
  • 2 Lightning Gems
  • 5 Lightning Stones
  • 1 Hungry Stone
Slayer’s Earring
  • 3 Mythril Gems
  • 3 Blazing Gems
  • 3 Lightning Gems
  • 3 Soothing Gems
Lightning Crystal
  • 1 Wellspring Crystal
  • 2 Lightning Gems
  • 3 Lightning Stones
  • 5 Lightning Shards
Hero’s Origin (Keychain upgrades) For Level 8

  • 1 Adamantite
  • 1 Wellspring Gem
  • 1 Lightning Gem

For Level 9

  • 1 Adamantite
  • 1 Wellspring Gem
  • 2 Lightning Gems