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Lucid Gems
Dropped By
  • Malachite Bolero (6%)
  • Chief Puff (4%)
  • Vaporfly (6%)
Also Obtained By
  • Reward after rescuing the woman in Olympus/The Overlook and the mother in Olympus/The Big Olive (Return after completing Olympus)
Best Farming Spot
  • Kingdom of Corona – The Hills
  • The Caribbean – The High Seas/Exile Island
  • Battlegate 7 (Kingdom of Corona)

You can farm Lucid Gems during mid-game in the Kingdom of Corona and The Caribbean worlds. The best enemies to farm for these gems are the Malachite Boleros in the Kingdom of Corona, and by the Vaporflies in The Caribbean.

Note: Lucid Gems can be unlocked for purchase at the Moogle Shop after collecting 20 of them on the field.

Kingdom of Corona Farming Route

Warp in from the Hills save point and start scouring the entire area.

Sora at the Hills save point / Kingdom Hearts 3
Sora at the Hills save point

Most enemy groups here include at least three Malachite Boleros.

These are yet another variant of the regular floating elemental mages found throughout the Kingdom Hearts series. They specialize in wind magic and conjure spinning sigils that revolve like mini tornadoes around them.

A couple of Malachite Boleros attack Sora / Kingdom Hearts 3
A couple of Malachite Boleros attack Sora

As soon as you enter the battle, the Malachite Boleros will start casting Aero.

Tip: They are weak to Blizzard.

Just stay out of their range and freeze them from afar. If you’re leveled high enough, you can one-shot them with Blizzagas, significantly speeding up your Lucid Gem farming runs.

Sora casts Blizzaga over the Malachite Boleros / Kingdom Hearts 3
Sora casts Blizzaga over the Malachite Boleros

While the Malachite Boleros only have a 6% drop rate for Lucid Gems, their low health and vulnerability to Blizzard magic make them easy to defeat fast.

Once you’ve cleared the area you can go back to the save point, leave the world, then re-enter to respawn.

Lucid Gem obtained / Kingdom Hearts 3
Lucid Gem obtained

The Caribbean Farming Route

Another convenient option for Lucid Gem farming are the Vaporfly Heartless found in The Caribbean world.

Enter from any save point and hop aboard your ship.

Sora in front of his ship; The Leviathan / Kingdom Hearts 3
Sora in front of his ship; The Leviathan

Open your sea chart and fast travel to Exile Island.

When you reach the center of the island, a group of Vaporflies will appear.

These bug-like Heartless have round metal bodies with bat-like wings and tiny anchors for tails.

Sora comes across a couple of Vaporflies / Kingdom Hearts 3
Sora comes across a couple of Vaporflies

They have a lunging attack that you can dodge and a ranged projectile attack that you should block to reflect back at them.

Hit them with your ranged magic attacks, particularly wind-based spells like Aero, which they are weak against.

They often appear in groups, making it easier to defeat multiple enemies at once. This can significantly increase your Lucid Gem count, despite the modest 6% drop rate.

Lucid Gem obtained / Kingdom Hearts 3
Lucid Gem obtained

To make them respawn, simply fast travel back to Exile Island from your ship.

Battlegate 7

Similar to Lucid Shards or Stones, Battlegate 7 is your best option for Lucid Gem farming during the end-game.

Here’s where to find it:

Enter from the Tower save point in Corona, turn around and head into the cave.

Sora at the Tower save point / Kingdom Hearts 3
Sora at the Tower save point

Cross the tunnel, ignoring all the enemies and exit into the Hills area.

Sora runs past some Heartless in the tunnel / Kingdom Hearts 3
Sora runs past some Heartless in the tunnel

Starting from the right side of the orange Flan, continue heading north.

You’ll soon find a large tree in a clearing where you can spot the blue, glowing orb-like crystal that is the entrance to Battlegate 7.

Sora reaches Battlegate 7 / Kingdom Hearts 3
Sora reaches Battlegate 7

Using Lucid Gems

Lucid Gems are required for seven recipes, and you must have at least 19 gems in total to synthesize at least one copy of each recipe.

Recipes that require Lucid Gems
Recipe Materials Required
Clockwork Shield+
  • 2 Mythril Stones
  • 1 Fluorite
  • 1 Lucid Gem
  • 1 Hungry Shard
Storm Fan
  • 3 Mythril Gems
  • 2 Lucid Gems
  • 5 Lucid Stones
Skill Ring+
  • 2 Mythril Gems
  • 6 Lucid Gems
Cosmic Ring
  • 2 Mythril Crystals
  • 3 Lucid Gems
  • 3 Pulsing Gems
  • 2 Hungry Gems
Lucid Crystal
  • 1 Wellspring Crystal
  • 2 Lucid Gems
  • 3 Lucid Stones
  • 5 Lucid Shards
Ever After (Keychain upgrades) For Level 8

  • 1 Adamantite
  • 1 Wellspring Gem
  • 1 Lucid Gem

For Level 9

  • 1 Adamantite
  • 1 Wellspring Gem
  • 2 Lucid Gems
Nano Gear (Keychain upgrades) For Level 8

  • 1 Adamantite
  • 1 Wellspring Gem
  • 2 Lucid Gems