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Lucid Shards
Dropped By
  • Air Soldier (12%)
  • Puff Ball (8%)
Also Obtained By
  • Random Postcard Reward
  • Hitting small bushes in Kingdom of Corona
Best Farming Spot
  • Olympus – Realm of the Gods/Corridors
  • Battlegate 7 (Kingdom of Corona)

The fastest way to complete your Lucid Shard collection in KH3 is to farm in the first world, Olympus.

Air soldiers found abundantly throughout Olympus drop Lucid Shards with the highest drop rate in the game.

Note: You can also buy Lucid Shards from the Moogle Shop after collecting at least 30 of them from drops.

Olympus Farming Route

Warp in from the Corridors save point and head east up the stairs.

Sora at the Corridors save point / Kingdom Hearts 3
Sora at the Corridors save point

Rail grind the blue river stream that leads to a large marbled hall.

Sora rail grinding up the stream / Kingdom Hearts 3
Sora rail grinding up the stream

As soon as you step inside, you’ll be swarmed by a bunch of Soldiers and Air Soldiers.

The Air Soldiers in Kingdom Hearts 3 look slightly different from their previous iterations. This time around, they are outfitted in greek armor and helmets to blend in with the setting of Olympus, which is the primary world they appear in.

Air Soldiers attack Sora / Kingdom Hearts 3
Air Soldiers attack Sora

Air soldiers have multiple physical attacks, but they shouldn’t be too much of a problem.

Just dodge roll around and hit them with your air combos. If you’re leveled high enough, then simply spam thundagas or any other area of effect spells to take down multiple groups at a time.

Air Soldiers have a 12% chance to drop Lucid Shards, and since they appear in large groups, you can collect multiple shards per run in this area.

Lucid Shard obtained / Kingdom Hearts 3
Lucid Shard obtained

Just warp out of the world and re-enter from the save point to make them respawn and to run through the farming route again.

Battlegate 7

To farm Lucid Shards during the end-game, you’ll want to visit Battlegate 7, which is located in the Kingdom of Corona.

Battlegates will appear throughout the worlds after you’ve finished the main story.

For Battlegate 7, warp in from the Tower save point in the Forest area of Corona.

Sora arrives at the Tower save point / Kingdom Hearts 3
Sora arrives at the Tower save point

Turn back and head into the cave behind you.

Follow the tunnel and exit through the entrance covered in vines.

A little ways ahead, you can spot the orange Flan from the Flantastic Challenge.

Sora comes across a giant orange Flan / Kingdom Hearts 3
Sora comes across a giant orange Flan

Take the path to the right of the Flan and keep going north.

Soon you will come across the round blue crystal with pointed shards, which is the entrance to Battlegate 7.

Sora at the entrance of Battlegate 7 / Kingdom Hearts 3
Sora at the entrance of Battlegate 7

Using Lucid Shards

Lucid Shards are required for six recipes, and you must have at least 28 shards in total to synthesize at least one of each recipe.

Recipes that require Lucid Shards
Recipe Materials Required
Mega Potion
  • 3 Lucid Shards
  • 3 Soothing Shards
  • 3 Pulsing Shards
  • 1 Hungry Stone
  • 3 Blazing Shards
  • 3 Lightning Shards
  • 3 Lucid Shards
  • 1 Hungry Shard
Wind Fan
  • 3 Mythril Shards
  • 2 Lucid Stones
  • 5 Lucid Shards
Mask Rosette
  • 2 Mythril Stones
  • 2 Wellspring Shards
  • 6 Lucid Shards
Ability Ring+
  • 2 Mythril Shards
  • 6 Lucid Shards
Lucid Crystal
  • 1 Wellspring Crystal
  • 2 Lucid Gems
  • 3 Lucid Stones
  • 5 Lucid Shards