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Sinister Shards
Dropped By
  • Flood (12%)
Also Obtained By
  • None
Best Farming Spot
  • Monstropolis – The Power Plant/Vault Passage

The main place to farm Sinister Shards is in the Monstropolis world. They are exclusively dropped by the Flood Unversed found only in Monstropolis in KH3.

You can eventually buy Sinister Shards from the Moogle Shop after collecting 30 of them as drops in the field.

Note: None of the Sinister materials can be farmed from the Battlegates that appear during end-game.

Monstropolis Farming Route

Warp in from the Service Area save point and head back east.

Sora arrives at the Service Area save point. / Kingdom Hearts 3
Sora arrives at the Service Area save point.

Enter the Vault passage area of the Power Plant and keep moving forward.

Sora and friends venturing into the Vault Passage area / Kingdom Hearts 3
Sora and friends venturing into the Vault Passage area

Ignore the first group of enemies and keep moving ahead.

Soon you’ll come across a group of six Floods.

The Flood Unversed return from Birth by Sleep, retaining their classic look. They have pointed triangular heads with red slit-like eyes and long, lightning-shaped horns. Their upper body is colored blue, while their legs are entirely black.

Sora comes across a group of Floods / Kingdom Hearts 3
Sora comes across a group of Floods

Apart from their distinctive looking heads, the Floods move and attack almost entirely like the Shadow Heartless.

They have the basic lunge and scratch attacks and they also submerge into the ground just like the Shadows.

Their attacks don’t pose much of a threat, and you can easily take them out with a basic combo every time.

Tip: Use water magic to wash them out whenever they meld into the ground.

Use water spells to wash Floods out of hiding / Kingdom Hearts 3
Use water spells to wash Floods out of hiding

They are weak to Blizzard magic, so Blizzaga can one-shot whole groups at a time.

A well timed Blizzaga can one-shot a whole group of Floods / Kingdom Hearts 3
A well timed Blizzaga can one-shot a whole group of Floods

Considering how simple it is to clear out the Floods, their 12% chance of dropping Sinister Shards should be more than enough to complete your collection.

Sinister Shard obtained / Kingdom Hearts 3
Sinister Shard obtained

But if you need to repeat the farming route, just leave and re-enter the Power Plant area to have them respawn.

Using Sinister Shards

Sinister Shards are required for seven recipes, and you must have at least 14 shards in total to synthesize at least one of each recipe.

Recipes that require Sinister Shards
Recipe Materials Required
  • 3 Wellspring Crystals
  • 2 Frost Gems
  • 2 Sinister Stones
  • 2 Sinister Shards
  • 2 Hungry Gems
Fire Chain
  • 1 Orichalcum
  • 3 Blazing Stones
  • 1 Sinister Stone
  • 2 Sinister Shards
Blizzard Chain
  • 1 Orichalcum
  • 3 Frost Stones
  • 1 Sinister Stone
  • 2 Sinister Shards
Thunder Chain
  • 1 Orichalcum
  • 3 Lightning Stones
  • 1 Sinister Stone
  • 2 Sinister Shards
Dark Chain
  • 1 Orichalcum
  • 3 Writhing Stones
  • 1 Sinister Stone
  • 2 Sinister Shards
Aqua Chaplet
  • 1 Orichalcum
  • 3 Soothing Stones
  • 1 Sinister Stone
  • 2 Sinister Shards
Aero Armlet
  • 1 Orichalcum
  • 3 Lucid Stones
  • 1 Sinister Stone
  • 2 Sinister Shards