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Sinister Stones
Dropped By
  • Flowersnake (8%)
Also Obtained By
  • None
Best Farming Spot
  • Monstropolis – The Power Plant/Accessway

Sinister Stones can be farmed only in the Monstropolis world. They are only dropped by the Flowersnake Unversed found in various areas across Monstropolis.

Sinister Stones can eventually be unlocked for purchase at the Moogle Shop after collecting 25 of them as drops.

Note: None of the Sinister materials can be farmed from the Battlegates that appear during end-game.

Monstropolis Farming Route

Land at the Accessway save point, head east and start exploring the area.

Sora at the Accessway save point / Kingdom Hearts 3
Sora at the Accessway save point

Soon enough, you will encounter the Flowersnakes latched on to the walls of the corridors.

The Flowersnakes have purple bodies with large, pink gaping mouths that open up to reveal a tiny unversed face.

They have large bat-like ears and have a cup-like base, which they use to latch onto walls.

A trio of Flowersnakes appear hanging on the walls / Kingdom Hearts 3
A trio of Flowersnakes appear hanging on the walls

The Flowersnakes attack in two modes; on the ground it slithers around in snake mode and attacks using headbutts and lunges.

Two Flowersnakes attack Sora, Mike and Sully / Kingdom Hearts 3
Two Flowersnakes attack Sora, Mike and Sully

It also has a flower mode where it latches onto the side of walls and gushes pools of poison at you.

Flowersnakes can spew poison pools on the ground / Kingdom Hearts 3
Flowersnakes can spew poison pools on the ground

Use your dodge rolls to avoid their physical attacks, and if the area gets filled with poison pools, just glide around to reach a safe distance.

The Flowersnakes are weak to fire magic, and using Firaga is the easiest way to take them out from a distance, especially while they’re stuck on walls.

Sora blasts a Firaga at a Flowersnake / Kingdom Hearts 3
Sora blasts a Firaga at a Flowersnake

Keep delving deeper into the world and you can find up to fifteen Flowersnakes around the Power Plant area.

They have an 8% chance of dropping Sinister Stones, which isn’t all that great, but you can quickly take them out using Firagas to expedite the farming process.

Sinister Stone obtained / Kingdom Hearts 3
Sinister Stone obtained

Then just return from the Accessway save point to make all of them respawn and repeat the farm.

Using Sinister Stones

Sinister Stones are required for nine recipes, and you must have at least 12 stones in total to synthesize at least one of each recipe.

Recipes that require Sinister Stones
Recipe Materials Required
  • 3 Wellspring Crystals
  • 2 Frost Gems
  • 2 Sinister Stones
  • 2 Sinister Shards
  • 2 Hungry Gems
Fire Chain
  • 1 Orichalcum
  • 3 Blazing Stones
  • 1 Sinister Stone
  • 2 Sinister Shards
Blizzard Chain
  • 1 Orichalcum
  • 3 Frost Stones
  • 1 Sinister Stone
  • 2 Sinister Shards
Thunder Chain
  • 1 Orichalcum
  • 3 Lightning Stones
  • 1 Sinister Stone
  • 2 Sinister Shards
Dark Chain
  • 1 Orichalcum
  • 3 Writhing Stones
  • 1 Sinister Stone
  • 2 Sinister Shards
Aqua Chaplet
  • 1 Orichalcum
  • 3 Soothing Stones
  • 1 Sinister Stone
  • 2 Sinister Shards
Aero Armlet
  • 1 Orichalcum
  • 3 Lucid Stones
  • 1 Sinister Stone
  • 2 Sinister Shards
Sorcerer’s Ring
  • 2 Mythril Crystals
  • 1 Sinister Gem
  • 3 Sinister Stones
Happy Gear (Keychain upgrades) For Level 5

  • 1 Damascus
  • 1 Wellspring Stone
  • 1 Sinister Stone

For Level 6

  • 1 Damascus
  • 1 Wellspring Stone
  • 2 Sinister Stones