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Soothing Crystals
Dropped By
  • Spear Lizard (2%)
Also Obtained By
  • Synthesis
Best Farming Spot
  • The Caribbean – The High Seas/Isla de los Mástiles
  • Battlegate 10 (The Caribbean)
Synthesis Recipe
  • 1 Wellspring Crystal
  • 2 Soothing Gems
  • 3 Soothing Stones
  • 5 Soothing Shards

In KH3, Soothing Crystals are only dropped from one enemy: Spear Lizards. You’ll find them in The Caribbean world.

Soothing Crystals are perhaps the toughest materials to farm mainly because of their exceptionally low drop rate.

Also, Soothing Crystals cannot be bought at the Moogle Shop; however they can be synthesized using a recipe that requires all the other Soothing materials.

The Caribbean Farming Route

Spear Lizards spawn at the Isla de los Mástiles in The Caribbean.

To reach this island, you need to have access to your ship.

Sora at the helm of his ship; The Leviathan / Kingdom Hearts 3
Sora at the helm of his ship; The Leviathan

Just board your ship from any of its anchor points and open the Sea Chart.

Isla de los Mástiles will be right in the center of the map. Select the location and fast-travel to reach the island.

Head for Isla de los Mástiles at the centre of the map / Kingdom Hearts 3
Head for Isla de los Mástiles at the centre of the map

Disembark and head for the beach.

Upon arriving at the beach, three Spear Lizards will immediately attack.

Spear Lizards are humanoid-looking Heartless with large pointed scales on their heads and backs. They have glowing beady eyes and carry a large spear that resembles a skeletal fish.

Spear Lizards brandishing their spears at Sora / Kingdom Hearts 3
Spear Lizards brandishing their spears at Sora

Spear Lizards mostly use physical attacks with their spears, and can also cast water magic.

A Spear Lizard about to attack Sora from behind / Kingdom Hearts 3
A Spear Lizard about to attack Sora from behind

Their bubble attack will make you start sneezing and stop you in your tracks. Use your dodge rolls to avoid most of these attacks and cast large area of effect spells to take them out.

They also have a weakness to thunder magic, so use Thundaga frequently to clean up fast.

Thundagas can decimate entire Spear Lizard groups / Kingdom Hearts 3
Thundagas can decimate entire Spear Lizard groups

Spear Lizards drop Soothing Crystals at an abysmal 2% rate, which is one of the lowest drop rates in the entire game.

Naturally, farming Soothing Crystals will take time, and you will probably need to make multiple runs to gather a significant amount.

Soothing Crystal obtained / Kingdom Hearts 3
Soothing Crystal obtained

Just quickly dispatch them using Thundagas and fast travel back from your ship, then return to the same area to make them respawn.

Battlegate 10

In the post-game, Soothing Crystals can be farmed from Battlegate 10, also located in The Caribbean as well.

Battlegates unlock throughout the worlds after completing the main storyline.

To reach Battlegate 10, first warp into the world from the Undersea Cavern save point.

Sora reaches the Undersea Cavern save point / Kingdom Hearts 3
Sora reaches the Undersea Cavern save point

Swim down south across the giant cavern and reach the other end with the glowing jellyfish at the entrance.

Swim towards the exit with the glowing jellyfish / Kingdom Hearts 3
Swim towards the exit with the glowing jellyfish

Land ashore here and follow the tunnel.

Directly outside, you’ll find a large cave with the blue crystal at the beach – this is the entrance to Battlegate 10.

Sora examining the entrance to Battlegate 10 / Kingdom Hearts 3
Sora examining the entrance to Battlegate 10

Using Soothing Crystals

Soothing Crystals are required for five recipes, and you must have at least 6 crystals in total to synthesize at least one copy of each recipe.

Recipes that require Soothing Crystals
Recipe Materials Required
Strength Boost
  • 5 Wellspring Gems
  • 2 Soothing Crystals
  • 2 Pulsing Crystals
  • 2 Writhing Crystals
  • 1 Hungry Crystal
Save the Queen
  • 1 Orichalcum
  • 1 Frost Crystal
  • 1 Lucid Crystal
  • 1 Soothing Crystal
Save the Queen+
  • 1 Orichalcum
  • 1 Frost Crystal
  • 1 Lucid Crystal
  • 1 Soothing Crystal
  • 1 Hungry Crystal
Cosmic Chain
  • 1 Orichalcum
  • 1 Lucid Crystal
  • 1 Soothing Crystal
  • 1 Writhing Crystal
  • 1 Hungry Crystal
Wheel of Fate (Keychain upgrades) For Level 10

  • 1 Electrum
  • 1 Wellspring Crystal
  • 1 Soothing Crystal