KINGDOM HEARTS Tribute Album is a compilation of music from the Kingdom Hearts series arranged by several artists. The songs have been remixed into different styles and genres of music for a more creative touch. It was officially released in Japan on March 25, 2015. Track remixes include jazz, 8-bit retro, and every genre in between. Every serious fan of Kingdom Hearts will simply adore this collection.
Disc 1
- Dearly Beloved feat. 末光篤
- Riku ~ Sora ~ Kairi feat. jizue
- A Piece of Peace ~ Under the Sea ~ Traverse Town feat. カワイヒデヒロ (fox capture plan)
- Traverse Town feat. Jimanica
- Always on My Mind feat. Vampillia
- Bustin’ Up on the Beach ~ Shrouding Dark Cloud ~ Guardando nel buio feat. 牧歌電子
- Dearly Beloved ~ Hollow Bastion ~ Hand in Hand ~ Always on My Mind feat. SOREMONSTER
- Rage Awakened feat. p 滝善充 (9mm Parabellum Bullet)
- The 13th Struggle feat. Marmalade butcher
- March Caprice feat. RIZM DEVICE